Percutane and Traumitane are a powerful team to help manage joint pain

Joint Stiffness

Staying physically active is crucial for people with joint stiffness. It increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain and helps combat fatigue. You might think exercise will aggravate your joint pain and stiffness, but according to the Mayo Clinic that's not the case. Lack of exercise actually can make your joints even more painful and stiff.

Percutane is clinically proven to help keep you moving by increasing circulation and aiding joint and muscle mobility. Apply first thing in the morning to activate and warm up stiff and aching joints, tendons and muscles and help get you moving for the day. 

Applying ice after exercise, especially after activity that causes joint swelling, is also recommended to counteract joint stiffness. Traumitane puts the ICE in RICE! The extra-strength arnica and menthol combine to provide a rapid, lasting cooling effect to soothe inflamed tendons. Kept in the fridge, Traumitane simulates ice pack therapy which helps to reduce swelling and inflammation associated with joint stiffness.